Air Freshener Spray Anchor Bracelet Apparel Backgammon Bags Balance Trainers Bench Benches & Racks Best Day Ever Shorts Board Games board shorts Boardshorts Bodyweight Bottles Bowling Set Boxing & Martial Arts Bra Cable Trainers Carafe Ceramic Diffuser Chess Set Cold Plunge Cool Mist Humidifier Cordless Diffuser Cropped Rashguard Cropped Tank cropped tops Desk Set DiveTail Dumbbell Set Dumbbells Ergometers Essential Oil Kit Excluded from discounts Exercise & Fitness Exercise Balls & Sandbags Exercise Bench Exercise Bikes Exercise Mats Fascia Release Fish Bracelet Fitness Cart Fitness Consulting Services Fitness Equipment Fitness Set Floor Flooring Folding Treadmill Free Weights Full Body Sun Suit GalleryTail Gift Card Gift Cards Gift Set Glasses Gym Furniture Hammerhead Shark Bracelet Hammerhead Shark Necklace Hammerhead Shark Ring hat Hats Headbands Home Decor hoodies Hydrogen Water Machines Ice Bucket JustUpsell Kettlebell Set kettlebells Kids clothes kids swim Kits Ladder Barrel Leggings Loose Leaf LunaTail Manta Ray Bracelet Manta Ray Necklace Marthas Vineyard Bracelet Matcha Medicine Ball Medicine Balls & Sandbags men's Men's Leggings Mermaid Cuff Midi Mindfulness monofin Muscle & Fascia Massage Mystery Necklace Nantucket Bracelet Nutrition One Piece Outdoor Sauna Packaged Teas Pilates Cadillac PIlates Chair Pilates Education Pilates Equipment Pilates Reformer Pilates Reformer Combo Pilates Reformer with Tower Pilates Reformers Pilates Studio Package Pilates Wall Board Quahog Necklace rash guard Reformer Sitting Box Resistance Bands Reversible Tops robes Rowing Machine Rowing Machines Scrunchies scuba Serving Trolley Shark Bracelet Shark Ring Shirts & Tops Shoes Shorts skirts Small Fitness Equipment Software Sound Therapy Spine Corrector sports bra Stability Barre SUB Sun Masks Sun Shirts Sun Suit swim T Shirt Tank Top Teaware tees Tikos Treadmill Turtle Bracelet Valet Stand Vase Vibration Exercise Machines Vitamins & Supplements Walking Treadmill Wall Bars Weight Set Weight Sets weighted balls Weights Wellness Whale Bracelet Whale Necklace Whale Ring Whale Shark Ring Whale Tail Earrings yoga Yoga & Pilates Blocks yoga & pilates mats yoga wear
PENT. TWISTA™ Luxury Gym Ab Roller - LUXUSFIT Luxury Exercise & Wellness Equipment PENT. TWISTA™ Luxury Gym Ab Roller - LUXUSFIT Luxury Exercise & Wellness Equipment
PENT. PENT. TWISTA™ Luxus-Gymnastik-Bauchmuskelroller aus $770.00
PRODUKTBESCHREIBUNG PENT Luxus-Abroller: Wo Fitness auf Eleganz trifft Erleben Sie Fitness in seiner luxuriösesten Form mit dem PENT Luxury Ab Roller, einem Meisterwerk aus Naturholz, hochwertigem Stahl und echtem Leder. Dieser außergewöhnliche Ab-Roller wurde entwickelt, um Ihre Fitnessroutine zu verbessern und zeugt sowohl von Funktionalität als auch von Opulenz. Hauptmerkmale Hochwertige Materialien: Der PENT Luxury Ab Roller ist eine harmonische Mischung aus Naturholz, edlem Stahl und geschmeidigem Leder. Jede Komponente wird sorgfältig aufgrund ihrer Qualität, Haltbarkeit und Ästhetik ausgewählt. Exquisite Handwerkskunst: Dieser von erfahrenen Handwerkern sorgfältig gefertigte Bauchroller verkörpert den Gipfel der Handwerkskunst. Sein schlankes und raffiniertes Design spiegelt die Raffinesse wider, die die Marke PENT ausmacht. Effektives Bauchmuskeltraining: Der PENT Luxury Ab Roller wurde für eine optimale Rumpfstärkung entwickelt und liefert außergewöhnliche Ergebnisse. Seine sanfte Rollbewegung beansprucht Ihre Rumpfmuskulatur und hilft Ihnen, Ihre Fitnessziele mit Stil und Effizienz zu erreichen. Bequemer Griff: Die Griffe aus echtem Leder bieten einen bequemen und sicheren Halt während Ihres Trainings und sorgen dafür, dass Sie mit Sicherheit und Leichtigkeit trainieren können. PENT. Luxus-Fitnessgeräte Feinste Materialien und Handwerkskunst. Handgefertigt aus Naturholz höchster Qualität, Edelstahl und genarbtem Leder. Auf Bestellung aus Europa gefertigt. Die angegebenen Preise verstehen sich zuzüglich Versandkosten. Ihr Versandangebot wird Ihnen nach dem Kauf per E-Mail zugesandt. Für Versandangebote kontaktieren Sie uns bitte . Weltweiter Versand möglich: Tür zu Tür in alle Länder Produktions- und Logistikvorlaufzeit: 12–16 Wochen Internationaler Luftfrachtversand: 4-7 Tage Seefrachtversand: 40-45 Tage Anpassungsoptionen Wählen Sie aus 2 Holzarten und 6 Holzfarbtönen. 5 primäre Lederfarben zur Auswahl: Schwarz, Braun, Beige, Grau oder Weiß. Einfarbige oder kontrastierende Akzentbesätze und Nähte. Anpassungsoptionen auf Anfrage verfügbar. Weitere Informationen zu PENT anzeigen. Wählen Sie Optionen für Luxus-Fitnessgeräte oder wenden Sie sich an unsere Produktexperten , um Hilfe bei der Personalisierung Ihrer Bestellung zu erhalten. Produktkatalog PENT. Produktkatalog
Naboso Sensory Stick Weights - LUXUSFIT Luxury Exercise & Recovery Equipment Naboso Sensory Stick Weights - LUXUSFIT Luxury Exercise & Recovery Equipment
Naboso NABOSO Sensorische Stabgewichte $90.00
PRODUKTBESCHREIBUNG Hände, das ist Naboso! Genau wie Ihre Füße sind auch die Oberflächen Ihrer Hände unglaublich dicht mit Nervenenden. Wenn Sie etwas berühren, senden die Oberflächen Ihrer Handflächen Tausende von Signalen an Ihr Gehirn, um den Rest Ihres Körpers auf das Heben, Werfen, Balancieren und Greifen vorzubereiten. Die Naboso Sensory Sticks stimulieren die Oberflächen Ihrer Handflächen, um diese Verbindungen zu aktivieren und Sie auf Bewegungen vorzubereiten. Da die sensorischen Stäbchen außerdem leicht wiegen (jeweils 2 Pfund), aktivieren sie tatsächlich auch Ihre Gelenke und Muskeln und schaffen so eine exponentielle Geist-Körper-Verbindung. Empfohlen für: Tägliche Hand- und Unterarmentlastung, insbesondere für Menschen mit Karpaltunnelsyndrom oder Menschen, die ihre Hände bei der Arbeit benutzen Kräftigung der Hand-, Unterarm- und Schultermuskulatur Verbessert das Gleichgewicht beim Gehen und kann wie ein Laufgewicht verwendet werden Beinhaltet: Ein Set mit 2 x 2 Pfund Naboso Sensory Sticks 3 Trainingseinheiten zur Stärkung und Straffung der Schultern, des Rumpfes und der Füße
MERRITHEW™ Spring Wall - LUXUSFIT Luxury Exercise & Recovery Equipment
Merrithew™ MERRITHEW™ Frühlingswand $830.00
PRODUKTBESCHREIBUNG Ideal für Pilates-Heimstudios oder Einrichtungen mit begrenztem Platzangebot. Übungen an der wandmontierten MERRITHEW™ Spring Wall können im Stehen, Knien, Sitzen, Seitenliegen, Rücken- oder Bauchlage durchgeführt werden. Ausgestattet mit einer kompletten Ausstattung an Federn, Griffen und einer Rollstange. Ideal für alle, vom Spitzensportler bis zum Reha-Patienten. Ausgestattet mit Abrollstange, 2 Abrollfedern für Armübungen (schwarz) mit Federklammern, 2 Beinfedern (grün), 2 Schaumstoffgriffen und 2 gepolsterten Fußschlaufen Hergestellt aus hochwertigem baltischem Birkensperrholz, um Stabilität und Haltbarkeit zu gewährleisten 10 Ösenhakenpositionen bieten maximale Einstellbarkeit für Höhe und Übungsvielfalt Die Rollstange bietet vielfältige Übungsvarianten und Unterstützung Vernickelte, wärmebehandelte Federn gewährleisten die Haltbarkeit und Integrität der Spannung im Laufe der Zeit Kann auch mit Flexbändern (separat erhältlich) oder Gummischläuchen verwendet werden Eine professionelle Installation wird empfohlen Bedienungsanleitung vorhanden Abmessungen und Gewicht Breite 22 Zoll 55,8 cm Höhe 72 Zoll 182,9 cm Tiefe 4,4 Zoll 11,2 cm Gewicht 35 Pfund 15,9 kg Installation Muss sicher an Wandpfosten mit einem Abstand von 9 cm (3,5 Zoll) zwischen der Unterseite der Platte und der Matte montiert werden .
ALIGN-PILATES® Pro Sitting Box - LUXUSFIT Luxury Exercise & Recovery Equipment ALIGN-PILATES® Pro Sitting Box - LUXUSFIT Luxury Exercise & Recovery Equipment
Align-Pilates ALIGN-PILATES® Pro Sitzbox $275.00
PRODUKTBESCHREIBUNG Die Align-Pilates® Sitting Box ermöglicht nicht nur neue Übungen auf Ihrem Pilates-Reformer, sondern macht Sitz- und Bauchübungen auch komfortabler. Geeignet für den Einsatz auf allen Marken von Pilates-Reformern und bietet erstklassige Verarbeitung sowie die preisgünstigste Sitzbox, die in Europa erhältlich ist. Verfügt über einen mit Ahorn furnierten Marine-Ply-Kasten mit EVA-Polsterung für lange Lebensdauer und ausgezeichnetes Gedächtnis. Bezogen mit abriebfestem Vinylpolster und innen und außen hochwertig verarbeitet. Leicht zu manövrieren mit Griffen an beiden Enden der Box. Produktdetails Marke: Align-Pilates Material: Marine-Sperrholzkiste mit Ahornfurnier und EVA-Polsterung für Stabilität und hervorragende Haltbarkeit FUßRIEMEN SEPARAT ERHÄLTLICH (im Lieferumfang aller kommerziellen Align-Pilates-Reformer enthalten. Nicht im Lieferumfang der H1-, F2- und F3-Reformer enthalten.) Abmessungen und Gewicht Länge: 27,5 Zoll | 70 cm Breite: 16 Zoll | 40 cm Höhe: 11 Zoll | 28 cm Gewicht: 20 Pfund | 9 kg
BASI SYSTEMS® Pilates Reformer Sitting Box - LUXUSFIT Luxury Exercise & Recovery Equipment BASI SYSTEMS® Pilates Reformer Sitting Box - LUXUSFIT Luxury Exercise & Recovery Equipment
BASI Systems BASI SYSTEMS® Pilates Reformer Sitzbox $440.00
PRODUKTBESCHREIBUNG BASI SYSTEMS: HÖCHSTE FUNKTIONALITÄT UND ERGONOMISCHES DESIGN Die BASI Systems® Pilates-Sitzbox erweitert das Repertoire Ihres BASI Systems Reformer, Reformer mit Tower oder Cadillac-Reformer Combo. Seine orthopädisch gepolsterte Polsterung sorgt für Komfort bei einer Reihe von Sitz-, Rücken- und Bauchübungen. Abmessungen und Gewicht Breite: 15,7 Zoll | 40 cm Länge: 30 Zoll | 76 cm Höhe: 12,2 Zoll | 31 cm Gewicht: 13 Pfund | 6 kg Online-Katalog BASI Systems Online-Katalog Produktinformationen und Anpassungen Bitte kontaktieren Sie unsere Produktexperten für Informationen und Anpassungsanfragen zum gesamten Sortiment an BASI Systems Pilates-Geräten.
ELINA PILATES® Lignum Wood Reformer Bundle - LUXUSFIT Luxury Exercise & Recovery Equipment ELINA PILATES® Lignum Wood Reformer Bundle - LUXUSFIT Luxury Exercise & Recovery Equipment
Elina Pilates ELINA PILATES® Lignum™ Wood Reformer Bundle $3,190.00
KOSTENLOSER STANDARDVERSAND MIT LIEFERUNG AM Bordsteinkante PRODUKTBESCHREIBUNG Der Lignum bietet die Funktionen eines professionellen Reformers zu einem sehr günstigen Preis. Aufgrund seines hervorragenden Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnisses eignet sich das Lignum sowohl für den privaten Heimgebrauch als auch für den professionellen Einsatz in kommerziellen Studios. Er ist aus hochwertigen Materialien gefertigt und verfügt über eine Struktur aus hellem Buchenholz sowie Teile aus Edelstahl und Aluminium. Darüber hinaus bietet dieser Reformer mehrere Einstellmöglichkeiten sowohl an der Fußstange als auch an der Federstange, die ein komfortables und uneingeschränktes Training ermöglichen. Merkmale Inklusive Sitzbox, Sprungbrett und Fußschlaufe. Struktur aus hellem Buchenholz, mit wasserfestem Naturschutz, um das Holz vor Abnutzung zu schützen. Gepolsterte Fußstange mit Quick-Release-System mit 7 Schnellwechselpositionen. Wagensystem mit 8 Polyurethan-Rädern, die für eine enge, parallele Spur mit sanfter und geräuschloser Bewegung sorgen. Saitenverstellung mit Cleat-System. Verstellbare Federstange in 3 Positionen. Hochwertige Polsterung für intensiven Gebrauch. Kopfstütze mit 3 Positionen. Höhenverstellbare Riemenscheiben. 5 Federn: 2 stark (rot), 2 mittel (grün), 1 leicht (gelb). Gepolsterte und gefütterte Doppelschlaufen-Hand-/Fußschlaufen für Komfort und Kontrolle. Gepolsterte Stehplattform. Maße Reformer: Länge: 93 Zoll. (Länge) Breite: 68 cm (Breite) Höhe: 27 Zoll. (Höhe) Gewicht: 140 Pfund Sitzbox: 27,5 Zoll. x 15,7 Zoll. x 11 Zoll Sprungbrett: 25,5 Zoll. x 22,4 Zoll Garantie 5 Jahre Garantie auf die Struktur. 2 Jahre Garantie auf die übrigen Teile. Montageanleitungen
Vitruvi Stone Vitruvi Stone
Vitruvi Vitruvi Stone aus $79.95 $123.00
The iconic Stone Diffuser scents your home naturally using 100% pure essential oils and doubles as a piece of decor. Lifetime warranty Free shipping and 30-day returns 8-hour run time *Please note this item ships directly from Vitruvi. Please contact if you need to return or exchange.
-36% Verkauf
Vitruvi Urban Garden Vitruvi Urban Garden
Vitruvi Vitruvi Urban Garden $7.79 $11.99
Urban Garden is crisp and uplifting. An energizing mix of Blood Orange and Basil essential oils, it makes your space smell light and vibrant. *Please note this item ships directly from Vitruvi. Please contact if you need to return or exchange. Orders only ship within Canada and the United States. Some exceptions apply, and packaging may vary; see FAQ.
-30% Verkauf
Vitruvi Move Vitruvi Move
Vitruvi Vitruvi Move $139.30 $199.00
The cordless Move Diffuser allows you to scent every corner of your home—no plug necessary. Lifetime warranty Free shipping and 30-day returns Lasts up to 8 hours *Please note this item ships directly from Vitruvi. Please contact if you need to return or exchange.
-30% Verkauf
Vitruvi Cloud Vitruvi Cloud
Vitruvi Vitruvi Cloud $160.30 $229.00
The Cloud Humidifier naturally hydrates the air in your home, giving you dewy skin, silky hair, and improved immunity. Lifetime warranty Free shipping and 30-day returns Baby-safe and easy to clean *Please note this item ships directly from Vitruvi. Please contact if you need to return or exchange.
BALA The Wavy Mat BALA The Wavy Mat
Bala BALA The Wavy Mat $129.00
At 5MM thick, The Wavy Mat will awaken your senses and elevate your practice. The never-before-seen mat shape will uplevel your space. Its antimicrobial, waterproof top layer is moisture-wicking and nonslip. Wave your old mat goodbye.  Meticulously designed for yoga, pilates, aerobics and rehabilitation. Made with FSC™-certified natural rubber and a high-grade polyurethane top-coat. Includes 1x Wavy Mat  Product Dimensions: 71 ⅜” x 26 ¾” Care Instructions: To clean, use a 1:20 solution of oil-free soap or vinegar and warm water. Apply cleaner to a microfiber cloth. Do not apply cleaner directly to the mat.  To protect your mat, avoid using lotions or sharp objects that might stain or puncture it.  To store, roll the mat with the logo facing out.  Patent Pending
-36% Verkauf
Vitruvi Essentials Vitruvi Essentials
Vitruvi Vitruvi Essentials $35.74 $54.99
A bundle of our 4 most popular essential oils: energizing Grapefruit, calming Lavender, refreshing Spruce, and invigorating Eucalyptus. They blend well together, while also diffusing perfectly on their own—making this a great choice for curious newcomers and longtime oil-lovers alike. *Please note this item ships directly from Vitruvi. Please contact if you need to return or exchange.
BALA The Play Mat Towel BALA The Play Mat Towel
Bala BALA The Play Mat Towel $65.00
Round out your practice with The Play Mat Towel, designed to take on your sweatiest of practices. Made in an absorbent fabric with a gripped underside to prevent slipping, it’s perfect for yoga, pilates, and heated room exercises. After all, good things come to those who sweat. Pairs perfectly with The Play Mat or The Play Mat Plus Designed for yoga, mat pilates, core training and rehabilitation Made of the highest quality materials – 50% recycled polyester, 30% polyester, 20% nylon and ultra-grippy silicone nubs Includes 1x Mat Towel Product Dimensions: 71 ⅜” x 26 ½” Care Instructions: Wash separately before using Machine wash cold Dry on low heat Do not use bleach, dryer sheets, or softeners
BALA The Massage Trio BALA The Massage Trio
Bala BALA The Massage Trio $49.00
  Take care of yourself. The Massage Trio includes a Mini Orb, Hourglass and Bumpy Ball to hit all your nooks and crannies. Regular use will improve strength and mobility, speed recovery and release tension.       Designed for self myofascial trigger point release, acupressure, plantar fasciitis and reflexology. Made of baby-soft silicone. Includes 1x Mini Orb, 1x Hourglass, 1x Bumpy Ball and a nifty carrying case.
BALA The Low Sock BALA The Low Sock
Bala BALA The Low Sock $25.00
A stealthy no-show, The Low Sock is sneaky chic. Enjoy slip-free workouts on your mat or reformer, with silicone-dotted soles that will help you eke out one last rep. Put your best foot forward.  Product Attributes: Designed for yoga, pilates, barre, home workouts and getting comfy on the couch.  Made of the highest quality materials – 78% cotton | 19% polyester | 3% spandex. Show-stopping tonal details and embroidered logo.  Includes 1x pair of no-show grip socks. Product Dimensions: 9” x 3 1/4” x 1/4” per Sock  US Women's Sizing:  Medium | 5 – 7 1/2  Large | 8 – 10 1/2
BALA The Bangles Keychain BALA The Bangles Keychain
Bala BALA The Bangles Keychain $9.00
Iconic Bala Bangles... but in a keychain! Comes with 1 Bangle on a keychain in Sea color. For the ultimate Bala babes only. 
Saysh One - White Saysh One - White
Saysh One Saysh One - White $150.00
The Saysh One is a snug fit. We recommend sizing up half a size. The Saysh One’s lightweight construction pairs woven jacquard textiles and microsuede touches for a breathable, everyday sneaker. The design is sculpted to fit the shape and form of the female foot, with a single heel piece and a snug lacing system, producing an elegant, graceful silhouette that’s both supporting and comforting. *Please note this item ships directly from Saysh. Please contact if you need to return or exchange.
Saysh One - Sail Saysh One - Sail
Saysh One Saysh One - Sail $150.00
The Saysh One is a snug fit. We recommend sizing up half a size. The Saysh One’s lightweight construction pairs woven jacquard textiles and microsuede touches for a breathable, everyday sneaker. The design is sculpted to fit the shape and form of the female foot, with a single heel piece and a snug lacing system, producing an elegant, graceful silhouette that’s both supporting and comforting. *Please note this item ships directly from Saysh. Please contact if you need to return or exchange.
Saysh One - WW Saysh One - WW
Saysh One Saysh One - WW $150.00
The Saysh One is a snug fit. We recommend sizing up half a size. The Saysh One’s lightweight construction pairs woven jacquard textiles and microsuede touches for a breathable, everyday sneaker. The design is sculpted to fit the shape and form of the female foot, with a single heel piece and a snug lacing system, producing an elegant, graceful silhouette that’s both supporting and comforting. *Please note this item ships directly from Saysh. Please contact if you need to return or exchange.
Saysh One - Black Saysh One - Black
Saysh One Saysh One - Black $150.00
The Saysh One is a snug fit. We recommend sizing up half a size. The Saysh One’s lightweight construction pairs woven jacquard textiles and microsuede touches for a breathable, everyday sneaker. The design is sculpted to fit the shape and form of the female foot, with a single heel piece and a snug lacing system, producing an elegant, graceful silhouette that’s both supporting and comforting. *Please note this item ships directly from Saysh. Please contact if you need to return or exchange.
Saysh One - Monomix Saysh One - Monomix
Saysh One Saysh One - Monomix $150.00
The Saysh One is a snug fit. We recommend sizing up half a size. The Saysh One’s lightweight construction pairs woven jacquard textiles and microsuede touches for a breathable, everyday sneaker. The design is sculpted to fit the shape and form of the female foot, with a single heel piece and a snug lacing system, producing an elegant, graceful silhouette that’s both supporting and comforting. *Please note this item ships directly from Saysh. Please contact if you need to return or exchange.
Saysh One - Ballerina Saysh One - Ballerina
Saysh One Saysh One - Ballerina $150.00
The Saysh One is a snug fit. We recommend sizing up half a size. The Saysh One’s lightweight construction pairs woven jacquard textiles and microsuede touches for a breathable, everyday sneaker. The design is sculpted to fit the shape and form of the female foot, with a single heel piece and a snug lacing system, producing an elegant, graceful silhouette that’s both supporting and comforting. *Please note this item ships directly from Saysh. Please contact if you need to return or exchange.
-20% Verkauf
Intelligent Change The Five Minute Journal Fit Edition Intelligent Change The Five Minute Journal Fit Edition
Intelligent Change Intelligent Change The Five Minute Journal Fit ... $24.00 $30.00
Meet your new gratitude and fitness journal for creating happier and healthier days. The Five Minute Journal Fit Edition will help you prioritize self-care, balance your physical and mental health, stay on track with your well-being goals, and become more mindful. *Please note this item ships directly from Intelligent Change. Please contact if you need to return or exchange.
-20% Verkauf
Intelligent Change The Five Minute Journal - Original Linen Intelligent Change The Five Minute Journal - Original Linen
Intelligent Change Intelligent Change The Five Minute Journal - Or... $23.20 $29.00
The simplest thing you can do to start and end your day happier in just 5 minutes a day. The Five Minute Journal uses proven principles of positive psychology in a guided gratitude journaling format. Cultivating gratitude can positively impact all areas of your life—from personal growth and emotional intelligence, to meaningful relationships and enhanced productivity. *Please note this item ships directly from Intelligent Change. Please contact if you need to return or exchange.
-20% Verkauf
Intelligent Change The Five Minute Journal - Blush Pink Intelligent Change The Five Minute Journal - Blush Pink
Intelligent Change Intelligent Change The Five Minute Journal - Bl... $23.20 $29.00
The simplest thing you can do to start and end your day happier in just 5 minutes a day. The Five Minute Journal uses proven principles of positive psychology in a guided gratitude journaling format. Cultivating gratitude can positively impact all areas of your life—from personal growth and emotional intelligence, to meaningful relationships and enhanced productivity. *Please note this item ships directly from Intelligent Change. Please contact if you need to return or exchange.
-20% Verkauf
Intelligent Change Mindful Affirmations for Health & Wellbeing Intelligent Change Mindful Affirmations for Health & Wellbeing
Intelligent Change Intelligent Change Mindful Affirmations for Hea... $24.00 $30.00
Health & Well-being Affirmations are remarkable tools that help you focus your thoughts to achieve a more positive outlook on your health, relationships with your body, and your emotional well-being. *Please note this item ships directly from Intelligent Change. Please contact if you need to return or exchange.
-20% Verkauf
Intelligent Change Mindful Affirmations - Original Intelligent Change Mindful Affirmations - Original
Intelligent Change Intelligent Change Mindful Affirmations - Original $24.00 $30.00
A weekly dose of affirmations that boost self-love, self-care, and mindfulness. Harness the power of positive thinking to overcome self-doubts and insecurities. *Please note this item ships directly from Intelligent Change. Please contact if you need to return or exchange.
Beyond Yoga Spacedye Squared Bra Beyond Yoga Spacedye Squared Bra
Beyond Yoga Beyond Yoga Spacedye Squared Bra $68.00
Go from barre to boardwalk in this cute square bra top, with modern square neckline and medium support. Pair with matching high waisted leggings for class, or wear over high waisted active skirts or bikers for rollerskating out in Venice. Designed and assembled in the USA Square neckline Wide straps Self lining Medium support Uniquely created to flatter every shape Every style we produce is wear-tested on our in-house team to ensure the best fit in every size *Please note this item ships directly from Beyond Yoga. Please contact if you need to return or exchange.
Beyond Yoga Spacedye Outlines High Waisted Midi Legging Beyond Yoga Spacedye Outlines High Waisted Midi Legging
Beyond Yoga Beyond Yoga Spacedye Outlines High Waisted Midi... $110.00
Scoring big on style and comfort: our new outlines capsule collection, outfitted with contrast outline seams. High waisted midi legging with curve-enhancing overlap waistband to pair with the matching Outlines Bra. Designed and assembled in the USA Contrast binding at crossover waistband 5” waistband, sits at natural waist at sides and back Midi length, in between calf and ankle Uniquely created to flatter every shape Every style we produce is wear-tested on our in-house team to ensure the best fit in every size *Please note this item ships directly from Beyond Yoga. Please contact if you need to return or exchange.
Beyond Yoga Spacedye Caught In The Midi High Waisted Legging Beyond Yoga Spacedye Caught In The Midi High Waisted Legging
Beyond Yoga Beyond Yoga Spacedye Caught In The Midi High Wa... $48.50
The softest, comfiest legging you'll ever wear. Our signature bestselling high waisted legging is a customer favorite with over 3 million pairs sold. Made from our of buttery soft Spacedye fabric, sourced from a Bluesign certified mill to be better for our planet and our customers. Find your perfect fit in a range of inclusive sizes, all wear-tested on real bodies to better fit all shapes. Designed with no outside seams and gentle, supportive compression to give a flawless silhouette, plus moisture wicking breathability so you can wear these leggings for workouts, lounging, running errands- just about everything. Designed and assembled in the USA No outseam 5” waistband, sits at natural waist So buttery soft, you'll never want to take them off Midi length, 25" inseam extends to between calf and ankle Uniquely created to flatter every shape Every style we produce is wear-tested on our in-house team to ensure the best fit in every size *Please note this item ships directly from Beyond Yoga. Please contact if you need to return or exchange.
Beyond Yoga Spacedye Outlines Bra Beyond Yoga Spacedye Outlines Bra
Beyond Yoga Beyond Yoga Spacedye Outlines Bra $24.98
Scoring big on style and comfort: our new outlines capsule collection, outfitted with contrast outline seams. V-neck active bra with front princess seams and soft, non-restrictive shoulder straps to pair with the matching Outlines High Waisted Legging. Designed and assembled in the USA V-neck with princess seams Contrast binding at straps and hemband Self lined Medium support Uniquely created to flatter every shape Every style we produce is wear-tested on our in-house team to ensure the best fit in every size *Please note this item ships directly from Beyond Yoga. Please contact if you need to return or exchange.
-30% Verkauf
Beyond Yoga Spacedye Slim Racerback Cropped Tank Beyond Yoga Spacedye Slim Racerback Cropped Tank
Beyond Yoga Beyond Yoga Spacedye Slim Racerback Cropped Tank $47.95 $68.00
A cropped active tank you can wear to the studio, or for everyday plans and always be comfortable. This fan-favorite yoga tank is made from our signature performance fabric featuring UPF 50+ protection, built-in bra offering medium support, soft straps that never dig in, and racerback design to balance athleticism with effortlessness. Pair with high-waisted leggings (we made it the perfect length to match on top) or style into an outfit with jeans for day-to-night style. Designed and assembled in the USA Skinny racerback with keyhole Self shelf bra Cropped length Uniquely created to flatter every shape Every style we produce is wear-tested on our in-house team to ensure the best fit in every size *Please note this item ships directly from Beyond Yoga. Please contact if you need to return or exchange.
-51% Verkauf
Beyond Yoga Spacedye Get In Gear Biker Jumpsuit Beyond Yoga Spacedye Get In Gear Biker Jumpsuit
Beyond Yoga Beyond Yoga Spacedye Get In Gear Biker Jumpsuit $54.95 $110.00
Geared up for workouts, campouts, or just hanging out in one biker jumpsuit. All-over gentle compression in the buttery softness of Spacedye means you'll be comfy and covered no matter what in this biker short active jumpsuit. Designed and assembled in the USA Adjustable self spaghetti straps Self shelf bra 7” inseam Uniquely created to flatter every shape Every style we produce is wear-tested on our in-house team to ensure the best fit in every size *Please note this item ships directly from Beyond Yoga. Please contact if you need to return or exchange.
Beyond Yoga Spacedye At Your Leisure High Waisted Midi Legging Beyond Yoga Spacedye At Your Leisure High Waisted Midi Legging
Beyond Yoga Beyond Yoga Spacedye At Your Leisure High Waist... $99.00
The curve-enhancing yoga legging your friends keep talking about. Active legging with overlap waistband, made from our incredibly soft Spacedye fabric. This pair of high-waisted midi leggings is a fan favorite (and bestseller, season after season) for the way it shows off and flatters all body shapes, and is versatile enough for both working out or vegging out. We love this legging for travel, too. Pair it with the matching bralet to complete the look. Designed and assembled in the USA No outseam 5” waistband, sits at natural waist Midi length, 25" inseam extends to between calf and ankle Uniquely created to flatter every shape Every style we produce is wear-tested on our in-house team to ensure the best fit in every size *Please note this item ships directly from Beyond Yoga. Please contact if you need to return or exchange.
Beast Health BEAST HEALTH™ Blender $165.00
The Beast B10 Blender is thoughtfully designed and meticulously engineered with industry-leading technology, resulting in a machine that is the ultimate in preparing nutrient-rich smoothies and infusions that make you Strong Inside™.   The Beast - your Hydration Blend™ blender from Beast Health™. Activate your Beast Mode® in the Beast Mode blender. *Please note this item ships directly from Beast Health. Please contact if you need to return your product. Only returns are accepted at this time.
BEAST HEALTH™ Blender Plus BEAST HEALTH™ Blender Plus
Beast Health BEAST HEALTH™ Blender Plus $195.00
The Beast Blender + Hydration System is thoughtfully designed and meticulously engineered with industry-leading technology, resulting in a machine that is the ultimate in preparing nutrient-rich smoothies and infusions that make you Strong Inside™. The combination of the Beast Blender with the Hydration System allows you to make perfect blends and infused water. By quickly pulsing your ingredients before infusing, your water will have tons of flavor and more nutrients compared to infusing larger pieces of ingredients. It’s also great for taking your blends on the go. The Beast - your Hydration Blend™ blender from Beast Health™. Activate your Beast Mode® in the Beast Mode blender. *Please note this item ships directly from Beast Health. Please contact if you need to return your product. Only returns are accepted at this time.  
ARRAE Bloat Capsules ARRAE Bloat Capsules
Arrae ARRAE Bloat Capsules aus $55.00
The all-natural, clinically-tested product that works in under an hour to eliminate belly bloat, soothe abdominal discomfort, and optimize digestion. Prevents & flattens a bloated belly by 88% by speeding up food-breakdown and eliminating excess gas buildup. Clinically shown to reduce bloating by 86% through eliminating excess gas buildup Works within an hour for immediate relief, while providing microbiome benefits overtime Improves digestion of common food-triggers by containing a powerful digestive enzyme Reduces IBS symptoms by 77% including abdominal pain, acid reflux, and constipation Contains organic herbal ingredients sourced from the most potent part of every plant *Please note this item ships directly from Arrae. Please contact if you need to return or exchange.
ARRAE Capsule Case ARRAE Capsule Case
Arrae ARRAE Capsule Case aus $22.00
Our Carry-On capsule case is a must whenever you’re on the go! Travel in style with this case and never worry about leaving your capsules behind. Holds up to 10 capsules *Please note this item ships directly from Arrae. Please contact if you need to return or exchange.
Arrae ARRAE Calm $55.00
The all-natural, clinically-tested product that works in under an hour to promote a relaxed state, through slowing down the body’s fight or flight stress response. Since digestion is optimized when the body is in a calm state, our Calm Alchemy Capsules will also help you be preventative when it comes to your digestion. Reduces stress and anxiety by 65% with ingredients that boost levels of relaxing neurotransmitters Clinically shown to work within an hour for an instant feeling of zen when you feel stressed Promotes mind and body relaxation by calming the central nervous system and your muscles Improves bloating by 86% by promoting the calm state of being required for optimal digestion No sleepiness or brain-fog so you can feel relaxed yet still sharp at any time, day or night *Please note this item ships directly from Arrae. Please contact if you need to return or exchange.
Arrae ARRAE Sleep $55.00
Promotes restful and uninterrupted sleep Helps achieve deep & REM sleep Acts fast and also regulates sleep cycle over time Works without causing morning drowsiness or dependency Formulated without melatonin  *Please note this item ships directly from Arrae. Please contact if you need to return or exchange.
-10% Verkauf
BALA Power Kit
Bala BALA Power Kit $209.70 $233.00
Everything you need to feel strong and powerful, both inside and out.   Choose your colors and weights: 1x set of Bala Bangles  1x Power Ring 1x Play Mat Plus

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